Complete a survey- River Douglas

Opening Up the River Douglas (OUR Douglas) survey

Thank you for completing this survey.

The aim of this survey is to understand public perceptions of the Douglas. It is part of the monitoring of the Opening Up the River Douglas (OUR Douglas) project being carried out by the River Douglas Catchment Partnership. For more details see

The survey consists of 20 statements and requires a one-time commitment of less than 10 minutes.

Upon completion, you will be given an opportunity to leave your email address to participate in a follow up survey in approximately 12 months.  This follow up will help us monitor any changes in public perception of the River Douglas over the course of this project and would be of great benefit to us. This is optional.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
[Strongly Disagree = 1] > [Strongly Agree = 7]
Please enter your postcode above. This will not be used to identify you, only to determine which parts of the River Douglas catchment the survey data might apply to.