Procurement and Contract Opportunities
Ribble Rivers Trust delivers a wide range of activities that require external assistance, from civil engineering for the construction of fish passes, to publicity and promotion activities for awareness raising campaigns. In procuring our external works we endeavour to achieve best value in all its procurement activity. To measure best value we consider quality, reliability, fitness for purpose, reputation, after sales support, and ethical considerations, as well as price.
As part of this we have a Quantitative, Qualitative and Statutory Framework that we employ. So, from time to time we have contract opportunities to advertise which will be listed below. Please click the appropriate link to view further information about contract opportunities. For other contact opportunities we recommend visiting Contracts Finder.
Current Opportunities:
Littlebank and Fields De-culvert
Ribble Rivers Trust (RRT) is inviting tenders for the outline and detailed design for a de-culverting project (including new channel creation and wetland creation) at Littlebank and Fields, near Settle in North Yorkshire. This project is part of our Species Survival Fund project “Ribble Revival: Room for Rivers”, funded by Defra.
This tender pack includes:
- Littlebank and Fields de-culvert design specification
- Appendix 3 – concept design maps
- Appendix 4 – service checks
For full details on responding to this tender, please view the associated documentation above. There are also some specification clarifications which have been established within the tender process. If you plan on submitting a proposal, please contact hannah@ribbletrust.com to receive these clarifications. Quotations should be returned no later than 17:00 on Wednesday 11th September.