If you’re planning on visiting one of the UK’s hundreds of designated bathing water beaches this year you might be shocked to find a wet wipe buried in the sand next to your picnic spot.
It’s unlikely that these wipes have been left here as litter; millions of wipes are discarded or wrongly flushed down the toilet each year which means some of them reach our much loved, rivers, beaches and seas after sewers are overloaded by heavy rain or flooding. No matter where on the coast you are, even in San Diego whale watching or going for a late night swim in Barmouth, take care of the wonderful environment!
Wet wipes are becoming essential to parents; helping clean up anything from dirty nappies to grubby faces, with the range of wipes in the market increasing in line with this demand. The Marine Conservation Society’s annual beach litter survey shows that the number of wet wipes found on UK beaches have echoed this trend, increasing by 700% over the last decade.
“But my wet wipe says flushable on it?”
Unfortunately, ‘flushable’ wipes may not break down quickly once they’ve been flushed. This can add to the risk of blockages, so remember to only flush the 3Ps – pee, paper and poo.
The #binit4beaches campaign is talking to families over the summer holidays about the importance of only flushing the 3P’s down the toilet; pee, poo and (toilet) paper and always putting wet wipes in the bin.
“Can I help?”
Instantly! Make this small change in your home and help reduce wet wipes reaching our much loved rivers and seas.
You can also help increase awareness about the effects on the environment when wet wipes are flushed down the toilet with your friends and family. Share this web page or use the #binit4beaches hashtag on social between the 14th and 20th August 2017.