Primrose Lodge Blue and Greenway Project Progress

The Ribble Rivers Trust’s (RRT) ‘Primrose Lodge Blue and Greenway Project’ which is receiving £500,768 from the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government, through the European Regional Development Fund, is now near to commencing work on the site.

Over recent months a key step forward for the project was the establishment of a new Trust who will own and maintain the site into the future – Primrose Community Nature Trust (PCNT). Primrose Community Nature Trust has been formed by three local people keen to see the site changed into a public space that will enable the community to enjoy nature right on their doorstep.

Primrose Community Nature Trust, Ribbe Rivers Trust, and Ribble Valley Borough Council have been working together to prepare a management and maintenance plan for the site following Ribble Rivers Trust’s works, but also thinking about the future. Richard Stephenson, Chair of Primrose Community Nature Trust said “this first phase of work is fundamental to establishing a high-quality public space, but it is only the beginning. There is much more that can be done to improve the site and bring benefit to the local community and the environment”. The two trusts are planning an event in the summer to discuss the current plans, but also to gather thoughts and ideas for further improvements from the local community.

Jack Spees CEO of Ribble Rivers Trust said “The establishment of Primrose Community Nature Trust is fantastic, Ribble Rivers Trust’s work over an area of 700 square miles, so we are pleased there are local dedicated people who will work to maintain the site for the benefit of us all, and we will work with to try and deliver further improvements to the site.”

You can find further detail on the Project on the project page, and a new website has also been created for Primrose Community Nature Trust

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