Author: Charlotte Ireland Pope


  • Charlotte Ireland Pope

    Charlotte is a senior editor at Ribble Rivers Trust. She focuses on educational and recreation content across its platforms and oversees the fundraising and visitor engagement sections of the website.

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What’s in our rivers?

Over the summer the Trust have surveyed over 300 sites across the Ribble catchment. Our survey team do this to monitor fish numbers, particularly salmon and tro... Read more.

Work experience, by Marco Dobson

From the basis of wanting to do an enjoyable and interesting work experience, I contacted the Ribble Rivers Trust (RRT). Through one week of working among the p... Read more.

Angling- recreation on our rivers

When thinking of sport, not everyone will think of angling however, it is one of the most popular sports in the UK. The fishing industry is worth over £3 billi... Read more.

The River Darwen

The River Darwen begins on the South Pennine Moors. It then flows through a valley of Carboniferous rocks, including limestone, Millstone Grit, shales and coal,... Read more.